Tuesday, March 1, 2011

experimental of blood ( special effect makeup)|


~ apa yang aku buat ni semua bersebab.. main factor is i do it 4 my subject in class...

~ special effect makeup.. di mana kami kena belajar cara penggunaan mekap kepada talent either for theatre or film..

~ asasnya we all kena tau camana nk hasilkan darah.. so that it looks so real.. n knew it..

~ just using Golden syrup, pewarna merah, kuning, hijau @ biru.. plus tepung jagung or nescafe..

~ its so easy but have to be more creative .. so that our project looks interesting as well..

~ actually.. aku siyes.. suka bermain dengan foto2 darah.. n dis is 1 of my interest.. thats why beria sikit..

~ 4 dis sem.. we all kena involve dalam criss cross production.. campur diploma students ngn degree.. tak kira kos teater atau film.. we all will be combine together.. n dis is 1 way to close each other..

~ i don noe which group dat i must involve.. just redha.. :)) tp b4 dat... we all kena usaha lagi utk kelas mekap seterusnya.. sbb banyak benda lagi we all kena buat ni.. OMG....

~ hope En fifi can give us a many inputs.. cuz we must have some skills to make sure our production wont be bad.. :-s gurrrrrr......

~ so.. all dis that i show u juz a small experimental.. so.. stay tune 4 the nex post ok..